On December 8th, 2008, yours truly will be displaced from her comfy, modern abode into Backwater Hell. Sunrise, Tennessee (see picture) is an unincorporated collection of small cattle farms, tobacco patches, and mobile homes on cinder blocks. Don't be fooled by the inset photo. When the locals (all 29 of them) aren't tipping cattle, shooting their guns at innocent creatures, or running about aimlessly on four wheelers, they are growing marijuana, baking meth in their kitchens, or committing date rape.
My parents moved to this sleepy little corner of the world in 1989. Since my parents, and a good deal of my siblings, migrated to this hellhole, their collective intelligence and ability to speak proper English has declined (and continues to do so) exponentially. Not much changes in Sunrise. Sometimes I think they are afraid to change. Its one of those places where people come to die, not live. Everyone looks as if they are waiting for cancer.
And I am to be here for no less than 30 days.
30 days?? Why so long?
Welllll...my mother is having part 2 of a double knee replacement performed. The last knee replacement took about a month of healing before mom felt she could once again take care of herself and dad (although, if you ask me, she totally stretched it out to nearly two months because she liked mooching off her kids). And, of all the grown-up kids I am the only one in a position to help out (i.e. I don't have a job).
You are a good daughter :)
Tell your mom and dad I said Hi !
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